Meditation and Yoga Nidra Retreat with Training
Led by Dr. Yogrishi Vishvketu and Kal Prakashiniji


September 10th -16th 2025



Stowel Lake Farm — a thriving wellness community, organic farm and retreat centre on Salt Spring Island, BC — The farm is located on over a hundred acres of mixed forests, fields and rocky outcrops and rolling hills, it is run by a group of people dedicated to the health and vitality of the land, ourselves and the greater community. We are so excited to experience this with you!

The Barn us where we will enjoy our meals and cozy upon big comfy couches gazing out through those floor to ceiling windows.

The Barn is a gorgeous building that serves two purposes: the lower floor is where retreat guests enjoy their meals if it’s raining, and the top floor is perfect for workshops and business meetings (or for cozy movie nights around the fire). Although the Barn is beautiful and modern, it’s bones are historic . The original Barn was already on the land when Stowel Lake Farm was founded, and it served as horse stables for many years. Renovations and structural upgrades, with a touch of creativity, have turned it into the beautiful space that it is today.

Outdoor Fire pit to enjoy weather permitting

While on retreat, guests are welcome to roam the grounds, linger in the gardens and to explore the hillside. There are plenty of communal indoor and outdoor spaces where groups can gather, but there are also quiet benches for solitude.Keep an eye out for the root cellar, the swings, the orchard, bonfire pit, citrus shack, and hillside permaculture.

Yoga Classes:

The Gatehouse is a beautifully architected space for wellness classes and workshops. The curved roof is eye-catching and the view outwards to the farm is serene.


Retreat & Training Description:

Ready for a unique Self-care journey to the serene and stunning Stowell Lake Farm on Salt Spring Island? Over the course of an extraordinary week, immerse yourself in the profound practices of Meditation and Yoga Nidra, led by Himalayan Master, Dr. Yogrishi Vishvketu. This retreat is a rare opportunity to reprogram your body, mind, and Soul, and gain wisdom and tools for practicing and teaching Meditation—all while enjoying the unique beauty of Salt Spring Island, just a stone’s throw away from pristine island lakes, Island Cheese, and Ruckle Park.

Throughout the week, you’ll delve into the techniques and Yogic wisdom behind these ancient practices, with the additional option to earn Yoga Alliance Continuing Education credits if you are a Yoga Teacher. Each day will focus on a different element, guiding you to connect with and balance the Chakras while exploring Yogic techniques that release suppressed emotions, reset your sleep cycle, and enhance concentration and spiritual connection. Beyond the teachings, you’ll have time to soak in the island’s natural beauty and enjoy the peaceful surroundings.

Key Highlights:

  • Immerse yourself with Dr. Yogrishi Vishvketu, Prakashiniji and team and learn powerfully, authentically with the Akhanda Yoga Institute Founder and senior teachers,
  • Deepen your Meditation practice and techniques toolkit with masterfully guided sessions and workshops,
  • Explore the healing benefits of Yoga Nidra and how it prepares the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual body for Meditation.
  • Learn how to use Breathwork, Pranayama, Mantra and Yoga Nidra to release deeper emotions and trauma, and enter a state of deep connectedness.
  • Gain insights into the nature of the mind and the role of thoughts, desires, stress and emotions in your self-healing journey.
  • Discover the Akhanda approach to Yoga and Meditation, and how to experience a balanced practice for deep, inner reprogramming.
  • Learn valuable tools for retraining the body and brain for sound, deeply restful sleep.
  • Take home practical tools and wisdom for self-practice and teaching meditation, including themes, setup, props, and modifications.
  • Connect with a wonderful, authentic community of Yoga, Yoga Nidra and meditation practitioners, nurturing your own like-minded community.

This retreat offers a Soul-Food space to deepen your self connection, cultivate inner peace, and make new, authentic friendships in a life-long community. Don’t miss this opportunity to study directly with teachers of lineage and deep experience, right here in the Gulf Island of BC!

Sample Daily Schedule:

Day Theme: Earth and Grounding

  • 6:45 AM – 8:15 AM: Akhanda Yoga for Grounding and Centering the Muladhara Chakra (Movement Meditation – 60 mins, Sitting Meditation – 30 mins)
  • 8:30 AM : Breakfast
  • 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM: Workshop (Theory and practical tools incorporating this element)
  • 12:30 PM – 3:00 PM: Lunch and Rest
  • 3:00 PM – 3:45 PM: Yoga Nidra Practice: Grounding Healing
  • 4:00 PM – 5:30 PM: Yoga Theory & Practice (Short Yoga Concept followed by 50/50 Yoga and Meditation Practice)
  • 6 PM – Dinner
  • 7:30 PM – 8:30 PM: Evening Activity/Satsangh

Key Topics Covered in This Retreat:

  1. Understanding the Nature of Thoughts: Learn to differentiate between expansive and contractive thoughts and explore techniques for releasing negative thought patterns.
  2. Preparatory Practices for Meditation: Discover how Yoga, Breathwork, Pranayama, and Yoga Nidra serve as powerful tools to prepare the mind and body for deeper meditation and self-healing.
  3. Akhanda Yoga Approach: Discover how this balanced approach to Yoga integrates body, mind, and Soul.
  4. Meditation Techniques for Beginners: Learn practical tools for teaching meditation, particularly for those new to the practice.
  5. Practical Tools for Setting Up Your Practice: Learn how to set up your space with appropriate prop supports and modifications.
  6. Specific Themed Meditations: Explore meditations for going deeper, supporting change and crisis, and exploring deeper emotions such as grief.
  7. Exploring the Chakras: Connect with and balance the Chakras through daily practices aligned with the elements.
  8. Yogic Philosophy: Delve into foundational concepts such as Advaita (non-dualism), Dualism, and the stages of Dharana, Dhyana, and Samadhi.
  9. Theory and Practical Tools: Learn how to use these tools within the framework of traditional dinacharyas (daily routines).
Unlock a transformative experience that continues well beyond the program:
  • Take home recorded teaching sessions to help integrate key concepts.
  •  Receive handouts and a professional manual for ongoing support and easy reference.
  •  Enjoy access to our online supportive community.
  • Two months of free access to Akhanda Yoga Online for continued learning and practice.


Cost: (Retreat + Training)

All prices include 6 night accommodations, 3 meals per day, yoga classes, 40 hour training , a tour of the farm, bonfires, ferry pickup from Fulford Harbour (for those without a vehicle), use of facilities: the Gatehouse, the Barn and the gardens,  and all taxes (5% GST, 8% PST and 2% MRDT Tourism Tax) are included in the above price.

Room Rates (includes all taxes):

  • Shared Yurt $1895 per person
  • Private Yurt $2195  
  • Shared room $2095 per person 
  • Private Room In Village $2395
  • Private Room Boat House $2295
  • Deluxe Room Shared (private bathroom) $2395 per person 
  • Deluxe Room Private $2895
  • Option to camp (email Andrea for details) $1645 per person



There are a variety of charming and cozy accommodations located close to the main facilities. Guests will enjoy clean, comfortable bedding with duvets and towels. All prices include accommodations, 3 meals per day, Yoga classes + meditation, a tour of the farm, bonfires, ferry pickup from Fulford Harbour (for those without a vehicle), and use of facilities: the Gatehouse, the Barn and the gardens


Shared Yurt

  • 2 single beds
  • shared bathroom
  • heat & Power

$1895 shared price

$2195 Private Option

Shared Room

  • 2 beds
  • shared bathrooms
  • Village building or Gatehouse

$2095 per person


Private Room in Bathhouse 

  • 1 bed
  • shared bathroom


Private Room In Village 

  • 1 bed
  • Shared Bathroom



Deluxe Room (Village Downstairs and one in Gate house)

  • 2 beds (2 double beds)
  • Private Bathroom

$2395 per person (double occupancy)

$2895 Private Option 



THE FOOD (Most Importantly):

The cuisine at the farm is outstanding, and changes daily to incorporate ingredients from the gardens. Daily meals are wholesome, nourishing and delicious. We can accommodate your dietary needs.




  1.  Register today – Start by completing our registration form
  2. Choose Payment Option to secure room choice. $700 CAN is required to reserve your spot. Email Transfer deposit or full payment to andrea.robertson77@gmail.comPayPal Pay Pal Option with credit card ( please note 5% fee)