“Yoga is like making a great wine. It takes a long time to master the art, the journey is full of challenges but the rewards are so delectable for your body and soul” I started yoga with Andrea about 1 ½ year ago. I’ve never been in bad shape, but neither would I have considered myself an athlete. Activities and sports such as: Golf, road cycling, downhill skiing and gardening were helping me to stay relatively in shape until recent years. Overworked, overweight and overstressed for an extensive period of time have contributed to erode my physical condition and even threaten my health. I needed something to find balance in my life and get back on my feet. And that’s what Andrea provided me with in her “Core” and “Iron Core” yoga training sessions. At the beginning, I could barely go through a full one hour session. Today, I am attending 3 yoga sessions per week with Andrea. I may never be able to master all the “hips-opener” positions and may be condemned to “sit on a block” forever, but I am continuously improving and as a Type “A” person I will certainly not give up. Thanks to Andrea’s skills, knowledge and training style, I’ve lost 25 pounds, have a better golf swing and better overall body strength.

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